5.0 rating

Shop with peace of mind

ProtectMyOrder is a guarantee of a hassle-free shipping experience. Merchants can include stolen package cover, carbon neutral shipping, free returns and extended product warranties.

If a merchant hasn’t stuck to their promise, you can report them. We will investigate the issue and ensure it is resolved.

1m protected orders per year
Trusted by more than 100 Shopify merchants

1. Purchase at checkout

You can only buy ProtectMyOrder from merchants who have added it to their stores. Once you’ve added a product to your cart, you will see the option to add ProtectMyOrder

2. Something goes wrong

1 billion orders go missing each year. Sometimes, your order is one of them!

Get in contact with the merchant, they will handle your case for you.

3. Hassle-free resolution

The merchant will provide you with a hassle-free resolution as fast as they can.

You will likely be covered for stolen packages, shipping delays, and perhaps even eligible for free returns.  
If the merchant doesn’t stick to their promise, you can file a report. Rest assured, we will resolve the issue.

Report a merchant

ProtectMyOrder is a promise of a premium level of care. If you feel a merchant hasn’t delivered on their promise, you can report them here. We will investigate the issue and make sure it gets resolved.

We will reply to your query within 24 hours
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